Today we travel, not just across the globe, but back in time, to South Vietnam before the fall of Saigon, now called Ho Chi Mihn City. Our design this day is the Flag of the Republic of South Vietnam. It existed until 1975. This designer has heard many Vietnamese say that this flag means freedom to them.
The designer created the image about 10 years ago, not realizing that it is the cause of great controversy amoung Vietnamese Americans. About a zillion emails later, this designer was a bit more edified on the subject.
No disrespect is intended towards anyone. That said, Vietnam Veterans fought for this flag and they deserve the right to honor it as they see fit. No disrespect is intended towards those Vietnamese in Vietnam who now fly a different flag. But for those who wish to honor their past and their culture with the flag with which they grew up,they also deserve the right to honor it as they see fit.
The intent of is to offer people the opportunity to honor their culture, ancestry, and heritage with designs created using flags of same. Sometimes this is done with humor, for fun and laughter are, often, a learning tool. Never, ever is there intent to be discourteous to another culture or people.
That said, the designer also offers the current Flag of Vietnam, as well as one that is a combination of the two, dubbed the "Vietnam Unity Flag". Those are not shown here today, but will be in the future.
Today, as was explained, we travel back in time, as well as across the globe.