Saturday, May 5, 2012

Diane Clancy

First Name or Nickname *
Diane Clancy
Where did you travel to? *
Across Country (US)
In 200 words or LESS, tell us about your trip and what you liked best. *

This trip was one of the most fantastic times of my life. My then partner and I got in our little car (old Volvo 122S) on the east cost and drove across Canada, then down the west coast of the US. We then started hopping from one National Park to the next.

My very favorite part of the trip was on the way home. We had been car camping for 5 months (with a few stops to see family and friends) – we were back up in Canada visiting friends, then zipping across Canada again – driving directly to get home. It was the middle of the night and I looked across and the sky was the most incredible sight I have ever, ever seen in my life.

The Northern Lights were streaming across the night sky – everyone was pulled over to watch. It was a delicate curtain of green and pink. It was as if we were in a theater and someone was taking the drape and shaking it so that the curtain was wildly rippling – the waves would go one direction and then turn around and go back. This cosmic curtain was the most indelible sight of my whole life!

In 200 word or less, tell us anything you want to say about your trip. *

The first night of the trip we stayed in Yosemite and that was one exciting night!! In the middle of the night people started screaming ... bears were running through the campground. I stayed very quiet and held my breath a lot.

In the morning we all went our to see the damage ... the bears had ripped the canvas cover off our roof top carrier. They took the big plastic jar of matches we had but left the honey jar that was next to it. We recovered the matches several yards away.

Another group was not so lucky - the bears had smashed through the side door window of a new van and opened the door. They took all the freeze-dried food that was in the car. Two dads and 4 sons had been starting out on a 2-week trip - that had to get cancelled - so we were lucky.

Bryce was my favorite National Park. The fairyland spires and canyons were beyond my imagination. I was breathless when we first drove up and the pink orange magic was spread out before my eyes … I could hardly believe such beauty existed. I was totally enchanted!

What is your shop URL? *
Tell us about your shop *

I am a fine artist – my business is Diane Clancy’s Art. This Zazzle shop will show you some of my different kinds of art and direct you to the other shops if you want to see more. I have a Bubblescapes series that is amazing - and I created them in the program Bryce. I am sure this program was named for and inspired by Bryce National Park. These bubbles are delicate and fun.

Fractals are something that I enjoy making … they are mind expanding and inspiring. I love the variety of fractals that exist and that I can explore and share with you!

I also have a Fanciful Animals series where lovely cats and dogs are in meadows of flowers or butterflies. My Goddess series is powerful and may help you connect with the deepest part of yourself. I have many other poetic and whimsical paintings – both by digital and traditional mediums.

Want to know how we made this work? Check Out

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