Saturday, May 5, 2012


First Name or Nickname *
Where did you travel to? *
In 200 words or LESS, tell us about your trip and what you liked best. *

In 1974 my father, mother and I traveled to Greece. Mostly, it was to meet family we had never seen, but we did do a lot of sightseeing.

We spent two days in Athens. The most amazing thing for me was seeing St. Paul's Rock, where he preached to the people of Athens. I couldn't help but be in a state of wonder that this great saint had been standing not 5 feet from where I was at that moment.

We also visited the museum in Athens and saw the fantastic statue of Zeus. The Acropolis was lovely, and so was the Parthenon.

After we left Athens, we went to Crete, where our family lives. We stayed in the house my grandfather grew up in and met our family for the first time.

While in Crete, we did visit Knossos and saw all there was to see there. It was a lovely trip for the first 10 to 14 days. And I have wonderful memories of it and my family there.

In 200 word or less, tell us anything you want to say about your trip. *

We stayed a lot longer in my grandfather's village than we intended. We were to visit much of Europe, but the Greeks and the Turks chose to go to war with each other and that put a bit of a crimp in our plans.

Once war was declared, we could not leave Greece. And, well, since all the private planes were "drafted", as were boats, cars, and every means of transportation, except donkey, we remained on the large island of Crete for over a week past our original departure date.

Yes, I was stuck on an island. Yes, I was scared. And it was a little unpleasant to see a country at war. I was always safe, but felt that at any minute something bad could happen to us. There were rather unpleasant pictures shown on TV of things that were happening on Cypress, where the fighting was, which I will not share with you, other than to say that it saddened me to see people who have been napalmed.

While we were there, the Greek government fell, and the people had their freedom of speech back, which the junta government had taken away. It was a wonderful feeling to have the tension gone that exists when you live in a country where you have to be careful of opinions you express. And wonderful to see the happiness of the Greeks.

When we were able to leave the island and go to Athens, we could have gone on to Paris and picked up our trip from there. But I just wanted to go home. And, I will say that when I did, finally, get back to my home, safe and sound, I really did go upstairs to my bedroom and kiss the the floor.

What is your shop URL? *
Tell us about your shop *
My shop specializes in creating designs using flags of the world. There are many countries available, and some countries have many designs, some just a few.

My favorite design is one that reads, "Assembled in the USA using (name of country) parts". So, there is "Assembled in the USA using Irish parts", Italian parts, German parts, Japanese parts, etc.

Other popular designs show heart shaped flags of various countries, and some that read "I left my heart (showing a heart-shaped flag) in (name of country).

Come visit and see everything!

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